Work Experience
As part of The Ilfracombe Academy Sixth Form journey, we now expect all of our Year 12 students to take part in a 1-week work experience placement.
This is organised independently by the student (with support from the Head of Careers and Sixth Form pastoral team) and the focus is on finding a placement that is suited to the student in relation to their next steps.
They should prioritise a placement as follows:
- Something related to a specific job/field of interest to you
- Something related to the transferable skills linked to your possible next steps
- Something that you feel will develop your transferable skills that could be related to a job in the future
- Something that pushes you out of your comfort zone
Students will need to complete the relevant paperwork in advance of the Work Experience placement. This can be requested from Mr Vale, Head of Careers (
Students should be sure to organise their placement sensibly, so it does not clash with any exams, mocks or key internal assessments or deadlines. If there is a clash, their school commitments will always be the priority, and we maintain the right to remove the student from their Work Experience placement if necessary.
Work Experience is highly valued by universities and employers alike.